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pinboke_planet. Get yours at flagrantdisregard.com/flickr 《想い出作り??》‥わざわざ作らなくても‥何か心に残ったことが‥自然に《想い出》になるのですね。


Mac用のステレオ写真作成フリーソフト AnaBuilder - 2.46.3

AnaBuilder - 2.46.3
create stereoscopic photos, view with red/blue glasses

my teacher of stereophotography The Wagman(Mr.Ray) says.

My original stereos seemed to lack sharpness and I looked into other programs that group members were using.

I used Anabuilder (for Mac and PC) and Stereo Photo Maker (for PC only) which vastly improved my work. Looking at other works and asking question taught me a lot. I experimented with many camera combinations.

I settled for several rules when doing my stereos.
Shoot several bright and clear images, as close to parallel as possible.
When assembling them, both images must be set up parallel and be the same size. I make the height, from top to bottom fit in the center of the images and then make sure images match from one side to the other. Finally, I make the depth correspond to what the camera recorded. This means that everything in my images are behind the stereo window and set back as shot.

That is all I know about Stereo assembly. Now you know what I do. I look forward to seeing more of your work, using some of the information I have given you.


AnaBuilder - 2.46.3
create stereoscopic photos, view with red/blue glasses


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